The Mastercard symbol, with its interlocking red and yellow circles, is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. Misrepresented as ‘just a credit card company’, Mastercard is often overlooked as a key player in the technology space. Design Bridge and Partners was tasked with creating a focused visual and verbal expression that raised the pride and profile of Mastercard as a technology company and signal a shift in perception internally and externally.
Design Bridge provided an excellent starting point with their vision and renderings, which we then brought to life in 3D, creating 6 brand circles to reflect the new brand themes. This visually engaging collection of animated loops formed the basis of a 60-second hero video that also included unique typography and real footage of Mastercard employees at work. The new branding concept and sleek film were then revealed at an internal Mastercard conference that energized employees and created excitement about the company’s future.
Our collaboration with the Design Bridge team began with their renderings of the newly envisioned Mastercard brand circles. Our team took on the task of recreating and enhancing the visual style for the loop animations.
Brand Circles

We dedicated our efforts to shaping the overall look and feel of the video, seamlessly integrating typography, photography, and employee footage to deliver a cohesive and captivating visual experience.

Crafting inventive and smart animations to introduce the new brand circle design to Mastercard employees was a top priority. Collaborating closely with the client and our storyboard team, we aimed to find a clever and compelling approach to convey the story of the brand circles through loopable animations.
After finalizing the storyboards, we brought the brand circles to life in a 3D environment. Our team infused the 3D designs with dynamic animation, capturing their energy and movement. To maximize efficiency, we upheld a grayscale aesthetic throughout the animation phase, resulting in reduced render time.
The animation phase is where the project truly comes to life, and it's an exciting part of the production process. We dedicated weeks to perfecting the movement and transitions that best suited the client's vision and requirements – and ensured that Mastercard executives were thrilled with their new animated brand circles.